【HARDEN'S BLOG】Medical Education and Pandas
Summary:In this blog, Professor Harden gives us an insight of his latest events and activities including a trip to China and United Arab Emirates.?
In February I had a short visit to the United Arab Emirates. ?The conference centres in Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer excellent facilities. ?In both places different cultures come together. ?It has now been agreed that the 18th Ottawa Conference will be held in Abu Dhabi in March 2018. ?I leave this week for the 17th Ottawa Conference in Perth, Australia. ?We have more than 1,300 participants and an exciting programme. ?I am particularly interested in how the OSCE has continued to evolve as a tool to assess competence in the healthcare professions and I am looking forward to listening to some of the more innovative presentations. ?More about this in my next blog.
Where the world’s most international universities are situated was the theme of an article in the Times Higher Education, 14th January. ?Four UK universities featured in the top 20 universities with a global outlook. ?While North America dominates the overall Times Higher Education World University Rankings, it was conspicuous by its absence in this league table.
I am currently working with Pat Lilley on a new book on The Roles of a Teacher. ?This is a development of the AMEE Guide The Good Teacher is more than a lecturer: the twelve roles of the teacher. ?In the Steve Wheeler blog spot (http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/edenchat-growing-minds-html) the views of Canadian academic Dave Cormier are given - ‘I refuse to accept that my role as a teacher is to take the knowledge in my head and put it in someone else’s. ?That would make for a pretty limited world. ?Why then do we teach? ?Are we passing on social mores? ?I want my students to know more than me at the end of my course. ?I want them to make connections I would never make. ?I want them to be prepared to change. ?I think having a set curriculum of things people are supposed to know encourages passivity. ?I don’t want that. ?We should not be preparing people for factories. ?I teach to try and organize people’s learning journeys… to create a context for them to learn in.’
Plans are well advanced for the AMEE 2016 Conference in Barcelona in August. ?More than 3,200 abstracts were received and these are currently being reviewed. ?We will have a great programme this year with something to interest everyone. ?The range of subjects being addressed is already evident in the pre-conference activities and plenaries announced on the AMEE website www.amee.org. ?Barcelona I think will be a popular venue for the meeting. ?Maria Rosa Fenoll Brunet sent in a link to a video clip produced by the Catalonia government highlighting some of the attractions. ?It is well worth looking at –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVV3yAX3xM8&sns=em.